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She knows what she wants, when she wants it and how she wants it!




The beginning!


Life as I knew it had changed, I was no longer married and was in the process of trying to take control of my life, you see as I see it divorce was like being reborn, starting a-new if you will. To give you a little background on myself, I had been in a very abusive volatile relationship and was forced out of it by a dangerous event. You know our universal God has this way of removing you from things he doesn't want you to be a part of or partake. My sister always said to me “Tiffany, if you’re not happy why do you stay? What do you see in him? Why do you love him? And finally, what does he do for you?” Questions I really couldn't answer, but at some point, the answer will have a way of rearing its ugly head and be shown to the entire universe by just a simple knock at "The Front Door"